Wednesday, September 24, 2008

it's all about perspective

I'm a tired girl. I wear myself out! And sometimes, like the past two days and nights, my darling little monster charges wear me out. Scenes like the one to your left are the best good parts of my job. And so I'm trying to focus on those.

Yesterday, I had the best little snippet of a conversation with the 2 1/2 year old. It went like this:

"When I gwo up to be a person? When I be a mom? What will my mom and dad be?"

"Well, they'll still be your mom and dad, but they'll also be your kids' grandma and grandpa."

"... and I'll wear tap shoes!"

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Do watch this~

(And if you know how I can embed it here directly, will you tell me?)