Friday, November 30, 2007

the end

Good riddance, NaBloPoMo! I have failed you. You asked too much of me. Fie.

I think I also expected too much in return. And I think that expectations are tricky things~ sometimes they're just necessary, and other times they screw things up. I wanted to be all wondrous, posting mesmerizing entries every day and making connections with more folks in the blogging world. I thought for sure that Pogo would inspire love, and even his fuzzy little snout failed to do any such thing.

I feel lonely here at the moment. I've read other bloggers' posts about this topic, and am only mustering the chutzpah to be honest about it because others have been honest before me. But, anyhow, yes, I'm feeling needy and neglected, which probably calls for a bit of deeper delving...

Other than that, I met with a new client today and felt very good about that. I've actually met about five people today who I'd like to know better. I imagine that there's some unwritten rule about not socializing with clients until after the project is finished, but it's nice to meet new people in this town where I sometimes feel like I already know everyone. Truthfully, I have a richer, fuller social circle than I ever have before, and it's sometimes challenging to keep up with the lovely friends I already have, but there are just so many magical folks around... I met some others at a birthday dinner tonight, and we're going to get together so I can teach them to knit and crochet and have a cozy little yarn party in my tiny little nest.

Another friend has started to have weekly craft nights at her house, and I went last night with a project that needed to be finished up and a project that needed a jump-start. Success! One finished, one started, and the people there were wonderful, too.

I also got mah hair did today. By a new person, and I really like her and I really like what she did to my hairs. After leaving the salon, I took my cute self shopping for Christmas gifts. I'm buying less this year, but I really love giving gifts, so it's not something I want to do less of, it's just necessary because of my current financial state. I love making gifts, too, but that still requires supplies, and TIME, and I leave for Colorado in less than a week. And then it'll be family visits and Christmas and New Year almost all at once! Oh, 2007, where hast thou gone?


Anonymous said...

Oh, sweetie, there are rules to creation. First thing, you produce a massive amount of work. In your case, a blog entry a day for 30 days. Then, at a later time, you judge your work. You might have been judging your work as you produced it, when you're much too close to see it's value (or lack thereof). Judging too soon is a surefire way to stop creation.

Not every post will be wondrous and amazing. But some will (and some have been very good). Your loyal readers will show up every day (or so) and read what you've written, and we're not expecting everything to be perfect. We're here for the same reasons your friends invite you to parties, because we like the sound of your voice and are interested in what you have to say.

I do enjoy reading your blog. I've lived in Bloomington all my life, but through you and your camera, I see the town through a different set of eyes.

You may not have set out to accomplish what you wanted, but you did accomplish something positive.

--Larry the mystery poster.

Anna said...

Thank you, Larry~ I try not to think too much about it, but some days I just wonder why I bother. Luckily, it passes, and I truly like my own writing and photography enough to do it no matter what. :)

And this: Judging too soon is a surefire way to stop creation.

So very true~ thank you for the reminder!


Believe said...

Starting in reverse order:
Yes, were has this year gone?
The old saying about 'time flying as we get older' seems all too real. Your post makes me think back on the events of this year in my world and WOW what a run of events and changes I've undertaken and been part of.

Lucky you on being part of a weekly craft get together. I'm sure that makes the creative juices flow and fills you with ideas for projects. Also if it leads to you having a wider and richer social circle that can be no bad thing, just need to keep it balanced with everything else in your world.
I wish you luck on that front.

As for love of your journal, it's here.I adore reading about your world and seeing the images that capture your mind and heart.

Steph said...

I like Mr. Mystery Poet's perspective! There were times when I was really, really cursing the whole-month blogging! I was HAPPY to let it go! You asked if I would do it again next year - I'm not sure. Guessing no.

I always enjoy reading your blog and hope you continue!

Anna said...

Thank you, 'believe' and Steph! B, it has been quite a year, indeed~ good to have friends like us, eh? :) And Steph, I have no plans of abandoning my blog, but I'm also happy to be free of the pressure to post so dang much. I think that making a commitment to write in my paper journal each day would do my spirit more good. Something to consider! Maybe I'll consider doing that between WWf(a)C semesters. Hmmm...

Anonymous said...

While writing in a paper journal might be good for your soul, let's not forget your faithful readers. :)

--Larry, the anonymous poster whose own blog is almost ready for public scrutiny and unsolicited advice.